On January 8th, in Tuscon Arizona, during a meeting addressed by Gabrielle Giffords a man by the name of Jared Loughner killed six people and injured nineteen with gunshot wombs. Gabrielle Gifford was one of the people injured and was believed to me the Loughners main target. She was shot in the head yet did not die and is still recovering. Among the ones who did die though, was Christina Green. She was only nine years old and was born on another day of American horror, September 11, 2001. She was there to support Gabrielle Giffords while just being elected to her school’s student council. The event has affected many people. Jared Loughner had a mental illness and after this horrible attack, people are beginning to question whether or not those who have a mental illness should be prohibited to have guns.
I believe that after shootings like this and Virginia Tech, America should keep a greater watch on those given guns. Overall, the shooting is a tragedy in American history.
Crystal Chlebina
ReplyDeleteGood work with the post. You clearly and concisely explained the story and your position. Nicely done.
I agree with Crystal that guns should not be given to everyone. To be honest, I do not understand what the qualifications are to own a gun or to obtain a liscence in the first place. I understand that policemen and others in that field of work use guns to help protect society, but what does a common person need with a gun? Protection? Yes, that is one reason people own guns. However, if there were stricter rules on who could own guns (for example, limiting it to policemen and such), there would not be as much of a need for common people to own guns, becuase they wouldn't need to protect themselves against other commoners with guns. Additionally, decreasing the availibilty of guns would, in turn, decrease the rate of suicides , not only homicides.
-Julianna Blischak